If Vacay could last a lil longer….

Vacay Stories If Vacay could last a lil longer…. Long time since we all met and I was just too busy. Guess what, we were on a traveling and tourism spree and you sure know how time flies when you got so much to see and a bunch of super energetic kids by your side. This trip was a fairly tiresome one, and I and my family took weeks to get back on our daily schedules. Should we or not? We had a splendid time, Actually, this was not at all planned. Yeah, we did want a big break as the children and my husband were on the verge of boredom from daily schedules of studies, work, play, fights, and this cycle continued everyday. That is when our family friend Clint and his wife suggested that they were planning for a trip to Asia. They just wanted to know if we would like to join in. At first, I was skeptical. Not for any other reason, apart from the fact that whether my lil babes would be able to manage this change. My question: How do I engage these tots?...