If Vacay could last a lil longer….

Vacay Stories

If Vacay could last a lil longer….

Long time since we all met and I was just too busy. Guess what, we were on a traveling and tourism spree and you sure know how time flies when you got so much to see and a bunch of super energetic kids by your side.
This trip was a fairly tiresome one, and I and my family took weeks to get back on our daily schedules.

Should we or not?

We had a splendid time, Actually, this was not at all planned.
Yeah, we did want a big break as the children and my husband were on the verge of boredom from daily schedules of studies, work, play, fights, and this cycle continued everyday.

That is when our family friend Clint and his wife suggested that they were planning for a trip to Asia. They just wanted to know if we would like to join in.

At first, I was skeptical. Not for any other reason, apart from the fact that whether my lil babes would be able to manage this change.

Kids have company!

While this thought was crossing my mind, I shared it with my husband. He laughed and told me that they too have a bundle to feed. So it is going to be great!
I don’t know- but he turns every doubtful situation into something so pleasant.
So, with a positive note- excitement build in and we planned to pack for the great day!

The Great Trip

We prepared our kids for the day. I made some travel friendly energy bars for everyone. Powder based feeds for my youngest tot. Plus, diapers and diapers and diapers!
I just can’t leave the house without these. Can you- when your child plans to have a poo time without a warning?

Wanna see?

Oh yah, I know we all love pics!
Well, mine are still on the phase of getting out of the bags. But meanwhile, I will show the exact pics that I found on this site.

To tell you the truth, it was these pics that caught the eye of Clint and his wife. So, take a peek.
Nothin more refreshing than a natural pic.
But lemme tell you, the first hand feel of these places is so breath taking!

Courtesy: Prokerala.com

That’s just the beginning!

Really, those pics were not even half of the fun we had in these places.

The best of food and if you do love spicy, buttery, Indian food- then book your tickets to India.

Once your tummy is pampered with Indian dishes and their sweet delicacies, you can make a quick hop to the larger Asian world.

Slurp into piping hot noodles, and much into those tofu salads, and seafood collection.
I literally was on a gastronomical tour of these splendid cuisines. You won’t regret this trip. I loved it!
From Noodle Fritters, to gulab jamuns, to aloo parathas, both the families loved it all.
I loved the fritters, that i went back home and tried them!

All these things, we selected, were not too spicy, as we kept the children in mind.
India is a place you have so much to choose from.

Three Point Advice to all Travel Lovers
  1. Stay together as a team. Ensure that kids or adults do not stray off!
  2. Ensure that you have clean food, clean water (packaged drinking water is the best), and a clean place to stay.
  3. Make sure that guide or hotel has English speaking staff. They will be able to guide you without causing an unwanted language problem.

Plannin to go for a vacay, research well, check for good places to stay and see and travel safe.


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