The Journey from Baby Tantrums to Childhood Depression

The Journey from Baby Tantrums to Childhood Depression

Soothing the Tantrum Mayhem – be it at a mall, or at home, or maybe at church – was always a task for me!

When I was expecting, I was the happiest woman in the world. God had been gracious enough to give us a child. Once my cutie pie was born, I was even more elated. I was like, ‘Now I just need to feed, play and clean my lil one’.

I have heard older moms speak out about their sleepless nights, messy clothes, small adventures with their kids. In short, they were tired and exhausted by the end of the day!

And when my girl was born, she seemed relatively calm. She would only cry when she needed a slurp of energy dose (fresh breast milk!) or maybe needed a change of her nappies. Well, that was all fine. The rest of the time she was a beautiful sleepyhead. No troubles at all for Mama!

So, I could go along cooking, cleaning, and even jotting down my thoughts when I was free.

The first B’day passed by, and she was still with her usual giggles, nap times, stroll in the park and nappy changes.

I was happy that she was still manageable and I began to feel pity for my other mommy friends.

By the time she was 1.5 years of age, she could crawl a bit, and began looking, and, interacting with a few other toddlers of her age. Her interactions with the outside world showed her new colors, voices, behaviors, and quite naturally- she liked and planned to adopt a few of her new interests.

Let me share a few instances. 

Before these mommy tea parties, I never introduced many toys to my lil one. She was happy watching me walk around, and also play with my dogs. But about three months, one of my friends brought over her baby. This toddler was about 4 months older to my baby.

He had a cute squeeze toy with him – wherever he went. He loved to hear the friendly ‘squeak’ that came out from the toy duck. Plus, you could place in a small tub of water and watch it waddle away. Tell you what, my girl was impressed!

Next problem was that – she wanted it. Oh no, I never liked the situation. Now the duckie was in high demand and both wanted it. She was crying once or twice, and I pacified her. But each time, we went to the tea party, she always wanted to get his toys.

From cries to beating the ground, to kicking, to pulling her hair and the other sweet chap’s also- she was sure to make everyone’s head turn!

My Hunt was on!

I began looking out for toys that I could buy her. Even if did buy her new toys, all she wanted was Edward’s toy(Edward is the duckie’s owner- the toddler who changed her mind).

I was frustrated, embarrassed and reached a point where I dreaded going to the tea party. I ran about finding solutions to calm her down. She was adamant by the minute. Now the problem didn’t just end there.

She was fussy and made tantrums even for the silliest of things. If toys were the start, she had reasons every day.

For example, One week, I went to church with her. She was quiet and well behaved. But that day, she just wanted to run and touch the priest’s cloak! Oh my, I think you can feel the tension that hit straight right from my head to toe.

All the oldies in the church gave a look at me which meant, ‘Are you here to destroy the holy ambiance? Or maybe …. Ah yes, she and her child will get the wrath of the church now’.

I just wanted to stay invisible that day, and with a lot of coaxing, we exited the church much before the service was over. All I knew was that she was hurt, sad and tired from all the crying.

Depression Stings!

By the time she was 3.5 years of age, she began throwing shoes out of the house, pouring milk from her feeding bottle on the dog and sofa sets. The more I told her to stop and that she is not being a good girl- she would look at me, scream and continue.

When anger was beyond her control, she would often keep hitting the back of her head to the wall. Once tired, she would just sit in one corner of the house and sob miserably. The pain I had watching her was beyond words.

She started going to school and ended up being bullied and would come back home with a sullen look. She spoke less, she was moody, and all that she did was fight for what she wanted. She never had an amicable way of saying.

I made a visit to our family pediatrician and narrated everything. All she asked me was that:

Is your Child’s Tantrum Signaling a Hint of Depression? We need to cure it or else it will affect her adulthood as well.

Soothing the Tantrum Mayhem, Depression and Uncontrollable Cries

I was shocked when I heard her doubt. I went on to Google and check all about the terror called Depression. Of course, for many of you, Cancer or HIV may be the worst of all in life. I know it is, but at the moment- I could not face the truth. My child was getting depressed.

The doc told me not to worry and she had a small solution for this also.

The Magical Cure

In case, you are expecting a magical potion – no you are wrong. Her cure was none other – lots of love.

I mean love unconditionally – but not to spoil my girl, rather lift her up.

She advised that I:

Talk with her: Be with her and take her to places where she would like to see. It could be films, parks, a mall, a sports ground or maybe even your mom’s house. Doesn’t matter, as long as she is happy.

Need to instill confidence: When a baby is small, they make tantrums for attention and that way to get their things done. But if you ignore that, they get the feeling that no one loves them. This brings an aversion to their own self. This is one reason for their anger and moodiness.

Should encourage her: Identity what she is good at, applaud her, and find opportunities whereby she can exhibit her talents.

Keep her occupied: Busy is the buzzword for depression. Stay busy, do positive and useful things and that will avoid the brain from thinking negative and staying morose.

Did it work?

Well, thankfully it worked. She is no more a moody girl, she smiles and goes to study regularly. Of course, this did not happen overnight, but I took almost 1.5 years to cure her of her agony.

She is a sensible girl, who knows how to control her anger.
She loves her life, her parents and has found an aim in her life.

Most of all, she got back her trust in me- and that depression ain’t a monster. We can cure it, if we want to.

I suggest all of you try it, as it works though, very slow. Still, the earlier the better for your child. Got a few tips to cure depression. Share in your viewpoints.


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