How My Daily walks has helped me fight the flab!

Get walking girls and boys out there! Walking does not have an age and that is what I have learnt over the years.

Seriously, I was reaching a point in life, where I could bloat off like an inflated balloon. That made me totally depressed and I was clueless of where my body and mind was headed to. It was at that time, my bestie came home and was shocked at the physical change that had taken over my thinking and lifestyle.

This is when she told me to get walking. All I remember about her talk was: ‘ You do not have to run a marathon and wear out your body, but run little by little everyday- so that the body also gets tuned into slimming down’.

As far am I am concerned, this worked really well for me. For more than six months or so, we have been walking (she has been my faithful walking partner) and yes, it has done a lot of miracles for me.

In one word, I have been literally saved from the clutches of obesity and I am happy that it was possible. A few aspects that learnt over the years and I thought I could share with all of you who stopped by my page.

  • Have a discipline while walking.
  • Stick to the timetable and repeat the walking sessions everyday. Make it a point to not skip it.
  • Now that is not easy as said, and I have been through that same page. Trust me, in the early days of my walking sessions- all I could think of – is going back to bed to get another session of sleep!
  • Well, I did skip a few of my walking sessions, but then my friend would never give up. She nudged me until I was on the road with my walking shoes!
  • So, once I got hold of this discipline walking routine- it became quite easy for me. After it is all, a mind and habit game. When you can convince your mind to do a certain activity- I feel it becomes more easier to reach your goals quickly.

If you go to analyse the changes that I have felt over the years- let me tell you- I really feel so good inside me. Refreshed, happy, elated, slim, have that good look feel and what not! Overall, I feel more confident when I was able to shed off those extra kilos and also get back in shape.

Plus, when I read this research finding on the benefits of walking, I was really happy that my body would be happy for the efforts I put in getting into one healthy shape.

Is there anything I could wish for more?
Ya, once more thing- I also regulated my diet. That is a long story and I would be most happy to share those foodie secrets with you as well. That would come up in my next post.


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